Operation: Rescue Recess

W-G Friends & Families… We Need Your Help!

Every September, the Woodward-Granger ELC & Elementary PTO hosts an annual fundraiser.  This year, our fundraising efforts are directed at giving the playgrounds at both buildings (ELC & Elementary) a refresh - aka Operation: Rescue Recess! A few older items need replacing, groundwork is needed to eliminate some non-usable 'muddy' areas, and new interactive equipment and games can be installed.

Mr. Brummond had to pucker up to smooch a pig in 2023, when we smashed our $40,000 goal by raising over $43,000!

Our 2024 goal is to raise $45,000!

If we hit our goal this year, Principal Truitt and Principal Brummond will turn into an inflatable dinosaur for the day!

Our students can win fun prizes for their hard work and no matter how much we raise, we all celebrate with a Fun Run on Friday, September 27, 2024.


With over 625 students, that means each student needs to raise only $72… and this year it couldn’t be easier. Our fundraiser is strictly donation-based. No selling wrapping paper, cookies or subscriptions (which also means no follow-up needed from our busy parents).

Ready, Set, Go Fundraise 🚀

  1. Go to wgpto.fundmonkey.com

  2. Click on the green Event Registration button

  3. Enter your student's information

  4. Check your email for your unique donation code

  5. Send emails to all of your friends and family!

To be eligible for prizes, all donations must be received by 8:30am on Thursday, September 19, 2024.

👉 All details, prizes and printable donation sheet can be found > here <!

What Do We Do With the Money We Raise?

In addition to the playground updates planned in 2024-2025, our funds also go to support these key areas.

Student Enrichment

W-G PTO supports these great activities for our students:

⭐️ Class Field Trips ⭐️

Scholastic Weekly Readers

Nature Sensory Pathway (ELC)

Climbing Wall (Elementary)

Soccer Goals (ELC & Elementary)

…. and more!

Staff Enrichment & Facility Improvements

Supporting our staff creates a better learning environment for our kids! These are a few ways we support our amazing educators and staff:

W-G welcome kit for new teachers

⭐️ $200/teacher for classroom supplies ⭐️

Monthly teacher appreciation events

New coffee pots, STEM bots, books, Friday Folders, library bags and more!

Fun Family Events

Every year, we host or support a variety of school-sponsored family events, including:
ELC Literacy Night

Elementary Math Night

⭐️ Bingo Night ⭐️

Pancake Breakfast (new in 24/25…. more details coming soon!)

Fun In the Sun Day (ELC)

Field Day (Elementary)